A company runs on its data, so if something goes wrong, you’ll need to be prepared.
Backing up your important business data is paramount to safeguarding the future of your company, so if you haven’t thought about it seriously, now is the time.
Key Advice for Data Backup and Recovery
An untold amount of danger awaits small or independent businesses who don’t make serious attempts to back up data or make realistic recovery plans. There are some key things to remember when coming up with a backup plan for your business data:
By organising your files properly, you and your colleagues will know exactly where and how to find everything. This is a vital stage in backing up your files because it will save time and make it much easier for you to recover any information, reducing downtime after a data failure.
Decide what files are most important so you can identify superfluous data and things that you business absolutely cannot do without. Got files that will be needed in the future or cannot be recreated? Back. Them. Up.
Creating a Local Backup System will make sure your most important files should be backed up locally as a start, so you can access them again easily if you need to.
Always Be Prepared
Imagine what you would do if your company suffered a data disaster – would you cope? Would the business be able to continue? There’s no time like the present to think about these issues, as being prepared means you’re more likely to be bounce back instantly.
Not sure how prepared you are for a data disaster? Why not try Symantec’s 2012 SMB Disaster Preparedness Survey to see how your business would fare after something went wrong.
Cloud Systems Are Good, But Not Perfect
Cloud systems are mostly great, but even cloud based backup systems can sometimes fall short of the mark in terms of major data backup. Many cloud storage solutions don’t offer historical backups, instead offering smaller, more regular backups that only retain the most recent copy of your files, making it impossible to access older versions, or older files.
It’s worth remembering that some cheaper cloud services won’t meet compliance and security requirements for your data, so it’s better to invest properly into a more robust data storage system.
Public cloud like Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Windows Azure are two good options for reliable, cloud based backup.
Get A Protection Plan
Starting from scratch is rarely an option with your company’s data, so take action now. Speak to an expert to understand what your options are and how they comply with your security and compliance concerns, as well as how they support the nature of your business and the data you are looking to protect.
We can advise you and provide solutions on the best ways of backing up your data, so get in touch to find out how to safeguard the future of your company.